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Nata Sopromadze – Invisible


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Nata Sopromadze – Invisible

In her “Invisible” series, Nata Sopromadze captures the most delicate essence of humans, particularly that of women, effectively revolutionizing the portrait genre. By avoiding the conventional frontal view that showcases the face and its expressions, she eliminates any hint of sentimentality, boldly unveiling the raw reality of individuals who are rendered invisible within her own environment and in society at large. The use of Polaroid, a medium inherently ephemeral in its nature, further accentuates this concept, while the static postures and ornate costume patterns add a distinct cinematic dynamism to the work.

1/16 N 1, 2023

Nata Sopromadze – Invisible

155X231 mm, 16 Pages

ISSN 2960958-5 # 01023

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