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Kodak ColorPlus 200 35mm 36 Exposures


154 in stock

Kodak ColorPlus 200 35mm 36 Exposures

SKU 6031470 Categories , ,

Ok let’s be honest, Kodak Color Plus 200 is like Portra 400‘s little step brother, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a ton of fun to hang out with from time to time. This inexpensive roll of film is still a great option when you’re not taking pictures of Kendell Jenner and don’t have the bank account Kanye West. It does the job well in most shooting conditions, especially for day to day fun.

Of course, Kodak Color Plus 200 has some limitations – if you don’t get the exposure just right it’s not going to give you a lot to work with in the highlights and shadows, and it certainly won’t have the same level of detail and resolution that you’ll get out of Kodak’s more expensive professional films. But it’s a great all around film to use when you’re hanging out with friends and taking street shots of something that catches your eye. It can give you that retro look if you know what to look for and it won’t hurt your wallet too much. One thing to know is that professional films by and large are more forgiving when you make mistakes, and they do scan better – these are just the facts – but don’t let that keep you from keeping a roll of Kodak Color Plus 200 in your bag. We love this little guy.

Check out this great review from Carlow GR Photo about Kodak Color Plus 200. Carlos goes into detail about everything from color quality to grain. It’s well worth a read.

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