KODAK PROFESSIONAL T-MAX 400 Film has been the go to choice for black and white film photographers for decades. While it is rated at 400 ISO, T-Max can be pushed to speeds of 800 and 1600. At 800, no increase in development time is required, but it still delivers excellent image quality. Especially useful for dimly lighted subjects, for extending the distance range of flash pictures, for fast action, and for subjects requiring good depth of field and fast shutter speeds.
- KODAK T-GRAIN Emulsion that reshapes pebble-like crystals into a tabular form with more surface to catch light.
- Improved sharpness
- Maintains subject detail in prints at higher degrees of magnification than conventional films.
- Expanded exposure latitude
- Greater “forgiveness” with overexposure errors; quality prints from moderately under- or overexposed negatives.
- Better highlight separation