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The Photographs of Vigen Vartanov 1965-1975


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The Photographs of Vigen Vartanov 1965-1975

The photos of Vigen Vartanov can be compared to cinematography in the impact they have on the viewer. They are open portal to unexplored surrealistic realities, like a kingdom of dreams, they evoke multi – layered,black and white worlds filled with mystical codes and meanings.
His creative work fell outside the rigid Soviet system of “socialist realism,” the only artistic style accepted during most years of his lifetime. Knowing this, Vartanov never published those images. Several years after the death of the artist, the Vartanov family has returned to the negatives, printing and restoring his visions, almost a half century after their creation.
Publication date: 2019
Number of pages: 132
ISBN: 9789941812354

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